We improve lives in our society, and unleash human potentials, through ground breaking ideas and innovation.

We are dedicated to the principle that all men and women-dignified and resilient have the right to health, food, power and economic mobility.

We seek to advance those goals with a better use of our resources through collaboration and corporation with every individual in the society irrespective of religious, tribal and political background. By identifying and accelerating breakthrough solutions, and ideas,

The K’s Consulting & Training

work to improve the well-being of people in our society.




  Hygeine & Sanitation


Diseases have become prevalent in our society, hunger and poverty has made people to neglect the most important aspect of our health life “Hygiene & Sanitation’

The K’s Consulting & Training

has identified this neglected and or redundant disease prevention method. To this effect a cost saving approach has been formulated……….


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  Mobile Charity Home Care Project

The underprivileged in the society are neglected. Our elders lack strength to carry out their daily activities, their health is deteriorating, domestic hygiene/sanitation is appalling and poverty has further escalated the situation. In cognizance of these situation The K’s Consulting & Training

has come up with a cost saving charity approach to help salvage the situation……..

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Mobile Charity Vocational Training Project

The downtrodden in our society are neglected. Education has become a distant past. Individual God’s given talent has remained dormant due to poverty and limited resources. To this effect a cost saving charitable approach was conceived by

The K’s Consulting and Training

to nurture and develop the talents of the underprivileged.......

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 Social / Educational Counseling

Owing to intense competition and peer pressure from family, home and

professional establishments, individual, and students often face a dilemma to make the right decisions of career choice. Societal and family pressure creates family and relationship misunderstandings leading to breakups, with children often left as

victims. Addictions of various types is at an alarming rate; drug/alcohol addiction, sex addiction, work addiction, materialism addiction, codependency addiction, and gambling addiction. The aftermath is confusion, doubts, distrust, stress, anxiety and depression suicides and deaths.

The K’s Consulting & Training  counselors offers professional  advice to build a career path, mend broken/ marriage relationships and also offer counseling for the

other various types of addiction. To support and help individuals overcome their

challenges thereby unlocking their hidden potentials and abilities, thus making the

society a better place.

 Training, Research, Evaluation & Marketing

Corporate challenges & responsibilities are enormous and constantly changing especially with the advent of globalization.

To meet up with these challenges and responsibilities,

The K's Consulting and Training offers training, research, evaluation and development courses, organizes seminars and workshops sprcifically design to meet the needs of individual corporation.........

 Conflict Management

& Resolution

Aware of the intricate link between conflict and development, and the impact the former has on the later. 

The K’s Consulting & Training seeks to address the various challenges encountered by identifying the various stake holders involved in a conflict and engaging them into true and meaningful dialogue geared towards establishing a resolution accepted by the parties involved.

Land and tribal disputes are prevalent in our society. Chief/Fon their council and government administrators are putting much efforts to settle these disputes sometimes with little or no success.  

The K’s Consulting & Training will act as an external actor to identify the various stake holders, listen to their grievances and come out with proposed solutions. These proposed solutions will be presented to the government administrator and the Chief/Fon for deliberation with their council. Trust is most often the impediment to a successful negotiation. Working as an independent external actor will create that atmosphere of trust needed for a lasting

solution. Solutions build with intimidation will be void of trust; as such will be seen as cosmetic solution.

The K’s Consulting & Training is here to facilitate lasting

and permanent solution to disputes.

 Agricultural Development Initiative  Projects

There is increase food insufficiency and insecurity over the globe. 70% of the world’s poor live in rural parts of developing countries. Agriculture is their main source of income and employment. The economic crises coupled with the dwindling of land and water make it harder for people to adequately ensure healthy food, good living standard leading to massive rural exodus, a factor in economic and social instability.

To maintain profitable agricultural activity in rural areas combining the indivisible objectives of food security and sovereignty in our society, The K’s Consulting & Training promotes agricultural systems that are more socially fair and have sustainable production modes that respect natural resources, particularly land and water. We seek to implements agricultural development projects focusing on smallholder farming support. We supports local agricultural models that are more productive and use fewer outside inputs, making them better suited to the resources of the most fragile households.

The K’s Consulting & Training approach is based equally on improving agricultural production and stock-rearing methods, diversification, and improving labour and soil productivity notably through controlled irrigation, access to quality seeds, restoring degraded land and managing soil fertility by favoring agro ecologic practices and natural crop protection, while developing services such as marketing and agricultural advice. Within each project, emphasis is placed on building the capacities of farmers in our society

The K’s Consulting & Training has taken the lead “Meet the farmers’ initiatives” is ongoing. We work with the people rather than dictate mandates to their local institution

 Project Management & Business Development

The dynamic nature of the market especially at this era of globalization has mad business development and project management indispensable.

The K’s Consulting & Training takes businesses to different dimension.  Our business developers are concerned with the analytical preparation of potential growth opportunities as well as the subsequent support and monitoring of its implementation both in the development and the implementation phase.

 Government Services

Every government has as a right and duty to ensure the welfare of its citizens by providing vital and sustainable services (Social and Economic). However, it is no secret that majority of the communities especially the rural communities are most often, if not forgotten in the process.

The K’s Consulting & Training will act not only as a supervisory and monitoring body but also an auxiliary machinery of the government in rendering due services

to the rural community population it is actively engaged with.

 Human Resource Audit

The human side of each business venture remains complicated and with varying challenges. To meet up with these challenges, shareholders and other stakeholders have expressed desire to see human resource audits as an independent function. Corporate executives have now resorted to outsource human resources audit

services in order to guarantee audit independence.

The K’s Consulting & Training has placed itself at the leading edge of this new development.




vocational training
pic counsling
project management
hygeine sani
hygiene ok