


Mobile Home Care

Project Initiation Date

January, 2020

Project Coordinator

Mepah Susan Ngami 

Project Preamble

The love of God supersedes all, and is for this same reason why, in the Beginning as written in Genesis  He created man (us) in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26 NKJV). The disobedience of man brought upon us sin (Genesis 3:1-8 NKJV). However God in His infinite mercy did not stop loving us. To this effect He thought us the first and most important lesson “GIVING and SACRIFICE.”

For God so LOVE the world that He GAVE His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John: 3-16 NKJV) love is Giving, love is sacrifice. GodGAVE so that we should learn to give, the word GAVE represent given. ONLY represent Sacrifice, begotten son represents His price possession.

The greatest commandment that JESUS gave us is “Love your neighbor as yourself “(Mark 12:31NKJV) let us love one another remember love is sacrifice. The Lord never take back His words, so therefore His promise to us in Ephesians 6:8 NIV “Do good to others for the Lord will reword you” will come to accomplishment in our lives.

THE K's MOBILE CHARITY HOME CARE PROJECT is created to salvage the present predicaments of the less privileged and the downtrodden in our society. We shall identify such individual and based on their unique and special need, we shall device a plan to help.We owe to God and humanity a duty to help one another with love especially the “Hopeless”

We are guided by the word of God in Hebrews 13:16 GNT which says “Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God”. Join us and let God’s words and works be made manifested in our lives and that of our brothers and sisters.

Project Concept

In cognizance with the limited resources in our disposal, a cost saving approach became pivotal in the realization of our dream. To this effect THE HOME CARE PROJECT was initiated. It shall be a MOBILE CHARITY HOME CARE SCHEME”. The word MOBILE is used to describe how the Scheme will operate.

We do not have a standard infrastructure because it entails enormous amount of capital. To this effect, we cater for people in their various homes. This therefore means we shall be operating our Home Care as a “MOBILE CARE”. The word mobile refers to the fact that our recipients will be cared for in their respective homes.

The shall be no binding contracts and we shall have no limit to our services with the exception of recipient request.


  • When you were born, the doctor delivered you.
  • Your first bath was given by another person.
  • The food you eat was provided by another person.
  • You where thought by another person in school.
  • You were employed by another person.
  • The salary you earn was paid to you by another person.
  • When you create a business, you are helped by others.
  • When you are getting married people will receive your bride price or you will pay the bride price to somebody.
  • The mayor or the priest/pastor will bless your marriage.
  • When you die people will bury you.

GIVEN IS DIVINE...........

  • Can you offer your priced possession to help others? GOD DID.
  • Was He comfortable to give? NO, that is why it is called SACRIFICE.
  • Through GIVING God sacrificed for a good course “ETERNAL LIFE.”
  • Through LOVE JESUS sacrifice His life and paid the price for our disobedience, for a good course “OUR SALVATION.”