
The Comminity


Hygiene & Sanitation

Project Initiation Date

January, 2020

Project Coordinator

Makolo Elive Kenethe

Project Preamble

Globally, and in our society in particular, one in three people lack a hygienic toilet in their homes. Millions lack menstrual hygiene and vital hand washing facilities. Diarrheal disease, largely caused by poor water, sanitation and hygiene, is a leading cause of malnutrition, stunting and preventable child mortality, claiming around 561,000 lives of children under five annually. Inadequate facilities also affect education and economic productivity and impact the dignity and personal safety of people

especially women and girls.

With so many solutions at hand, the continuing deprivation of so many is a shameful reflection of our society’s priorities. It is worth mentioning that in 1840, the “global sanitary revolution” transformed life in Europe and other parts of the developed world. It furthered economic transformation, by making those societies cleaner and healthier. But many countries especially the developing countries still await a sanitation revolution. Cameroon is not different and our society is in dire need of a

hygiene & sanitary revolution.

The K’s Consulting & Training, with its “Hygiene & Sanitation” project has outlined below, various measures aimed at salvaging the present predicament.

  • Increasing the number of people with access to basic sanitation facilities
  • Reducing the number of people practicing open defecation
  • Improving the affordability and availability of sanitation products and services
  • Increasing the amount of fecal waste effectively captured and treated on-site, or collected, transported, and treated offsite
  • Improving the ability of educational and health systems to manage sanitation and hygiene facilities in institutions
  • Increasing the number of people with safely managed sanitation services.
  • Increasing handwashing with soap at critical times
  • Increasing the rate of safe management of household drinking water  


  • When you were born, the doctor delivered you.
  • Your first bath was given by another person.
  • The food you eat was provided by another person.
  • You where thought by another person in school.
  • You were employed by another person.
  • The salary you earn was paid to you by another person.
  • When you create a business, you are helped by others.
  • When you are getting married people will receive your bride price or you will pay the bride price to somebody.
  • The mayor or the priest/pastor will bless your marriage.
  • When you die people will bury you.

Project Concept

In cognizance of the precarious Hygiene & Sanitation situation in our society, a swift, immediate and lowcost measure is pivotal . To this effect THE HYGIENE & SANITATION PROJECT was initiated.

It shall be a community based project and participatory rural appraisal methods will be employed. Group meetings will be organised to teach the people on the various hygiene and sanitation procedures. The K's Consulting & Training Hygiene & Sanitation team will act as facilitators during meeting sessions. charts will be drawn and various challenges and recommendations will be listed.

The K's Consulting & Training Hygiene & sanitation team will them take a closser look at the various challenges and recommendations listed and a plan aimed at mitigating these challenges, taking into consideration the proposed recommendations will be made.

A workshop will then be organized to address the issues and to  train interested parties or those assigned by the community. on various hygiene & sanitation methods and procedures.

The old,helpless and disabbled will be given special consideration. Since they are already incorporated in our MOBILE CHARITY HOME CARE project their hygiene and sanitation needs will be catered for by

The K's Consulting & Training Mobile Charity Home Care team.

The shall be no binding contracts and we shall have no limit to our services to the community