
Underpriveledged Youths


Vocational Education

Project Initiation Date

January, 2020

Project Coordinator

Jude Emmanuel Kebuma Tita 

Project Preamble

THE K's MOBILE CHARITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROJECT is created to identify and develop that unique gift and ability given by God as a favour to each and everyone to prosper us and to help build our community to the glory of God.  That unique gift and ability is the plan and will of God in our lives.

God’s words in Jeremiah 29:11 (GNT) makes it clear, as it says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” We owe to God and humanity a duty to help one another with love especially the “Hopeless” We are guided by the word of God in Hebrews 13:16 (GNT) which says “Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God”.

we need each other, the service of one another is indispensable. Our services are like complementary goods. You cannot drive a car without fuel. The most important person is the one we look down on, the noblest profession is the one we despise and see as mean. A gateman is seen as useless by many but the irony is that he protects your life, through him you can be killed any moment, so too is a cook or house keeper. You might have all the money in the word but you cannot build your own house nor service your own car. You need the services of people you consider mean. Let love leads and let’s value each other by helping one another.

Project Concept


  • When you were born, the doctor delivered you.
  • Your first bath was given by another person.
  • The food you eat was provided by another person.
  • You where thought by another person in school.
  • You were employed by another person.
  • The salary you earn was paid to you by another person.
  • When you create a business, you are helped by others.
  • When you are getting married people will receive your bride price or you will pay the bride price to somebody.
  • The mayor or the priest/pastor will bless your marriage.
  • When you die people will bury you.

This project  is created and designed for individual empowerment and wealth creation. By adding value and develop God’s given talent with the limited resources at our disposal. In cognizance with the limited resources in our disposal, cost saving approach is pivotal in the realization of our dream. To this effect a cost saving approach was conceived. 

The K’s MOBILE CHARITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROJECT will not have a standard administrative nor departmental infrastructure because it entails enormous amount of capital. To this effect, we shall contact private business or professional individuals based on our various vocational discipline needs. We shall then come up with a binding contract with interested parties or benefactors to train our various candidates based on their specific need.

This therefore means we shall be operating our Vocational Training Center as a “MOBILE UNIT”. The word mobile refers to the fact that our participants will not carry out their training on an organized environment like and institution. They will be in different locations depending on the individual business or benefactor’s business location.

Participants will be obliged to wear a training regalia with our logo to distinguished them from others and also identify them as part of this benevolent initiative. Upon completion of the training a certificate of participation and recognition will be awarded signed by the Chairman of

The K's Consulting & Training and the trainer.

The K’s Consulting & Training  will assign a team based on the participant specific training to open a business location for the participant at the completion of the training. The team will ensure that the business location rent is paid for three months and various tools or equipment in relation to the running of the said business is provided. A binding contract will be established between the participant and the center represented by the director stating that; the said participant will act as a benefactor in the training of other participants after one year of his/her establishment to ensure continuity of THE K’s MOBILE CHARITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING  PROJECT. The team will also act as a guide and counsel for the first year of the established business.